
Short Term ESC Vacancy in Cyprus “The Vintage Project”

  |   Opportunities

Organisers: Plan Be, Plan it Be it


Venue: Kannavia, Cyprus


Dates: 02.03 – 29.03.19


Erasmus+ Programme – KA125 Mobility of Individuals, Volunteering Projects



Open call for three short term ESC vacancies for German youngsters (18-30 years old) in Cyprus. The project will take place from the 2nd to the 29th of March 2019.


The activities will be based on hands-on workshops about tree planting, harvesting, entrepreneurial study visits, workshops with local practitioners (young and elder) and presentations of different practices amongst the participating countries. Project activities will further focus on enhancing creativity and personal development of participants through a variety of games, role-plays, team-building activities, group discussions, brainstorming, and everyday reflective sessions. To encourage intercultural dialogue and bonding we will organize cultural evenings and spend time together learning the basics from each other’s music, dance, and language.



A few details to be taken into account:

  • Participants will be entitled with 2 days monthly leave and 150 € for individual support. Accommodation and food will be provided by PlanBe.
  • The project will take place at a small bungalow village in Kannavia.
  • Arrival Day 01/03/2019, Departure day 30/03/2019, Participants are allowed to travel 1-2 days before the arrival day or 1-2 days after the departure day
  • Participants involved in this project must have strong interest on agriculture, creativity and entrepreneurship.
  • Participants must be registered on PASS platform.
  • Participants need to fill up this online form.



The project involves 15 young participants from France, Germany, Czech Republic, Portugal and Italy and is primarily oriented to youth in risk of unemployment or with certain geographical or economic obstacles. It will be particularly promoted to young people in rural areas as well as young people willing to explore the entrepreneurial path through tradition and agriculture. This project is addressing the unemployment issue and traditional agricultural professions related to agriculture that are not held by young people that much. Professions relating to agriculture are amongst the infamous professions that today tend to extinct. However, we believe that these professions can be creatively turned into the basis of an entrepreneurship that can stand out in the competitive labour market, while at the same time preserve one’s culture, heritage and tradition. It could provide alternatives to employment, while such professions could further contribute to healthier lifestyles and a sustainable environment via spending time in the nature and creating home made products. Urbanism is another common issue happening mainly because people cannot find a job.


Online registration form:


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