
Opportunity for youth leaders!

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Get trained to become an active youth leader through an intensive training course in Romania & put into practice the skills gained from the training in a multilateral youth exchange in Romania!

Youth4Europe is a European project co-financed by the Erasmus+ programme. The aim of the project is to promote European citizenship among young people and raise awareness on European Policies fostering active participation through international learning activities and youth exchanges all over Europe. The youth exchanges focus on 3 main topics: youth, media and environment.

All selected youth leaders receive an intensive training in Romania (5-21 July) in order to acquire the necessary competencies and qualifications and be able to lead a team of 6 young people from Germany in a multilateral youth exchange in Romania (4-14 September). All participants are going to work in groups during the youth exchange on policy proposals in order to provide recommendations for the current European regulations on youth, media and environment. On the online platform the proposals can be voted. The proposals with most votes are going to be presented to European policy makers in Brussels.

For further information:


Stages to become a Youth Leader!

1st: Find information about how to become a youth leader on

2nd: Contact us and apply until 30 June 2019

3rd: Attend an interview with the Youth Exchange Officer of Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V.

4th: Get prepared for the training course in Romania which is focused on environment

5th: Participate in the youth leaders training course in Romania

6th: Search, select and prepare 6 suitable youth participants (18-25 years old) for the youth exchange in Romania with the support of the Youth Exchange Officer

7th: Participate in the youth exchange in Romania

8th: Organise together with the 6 young participants from Germany and the youth exchange officer a dissemination event in Dresden

9th: Join the reflection and evaluation meeting in the office of JKPeV about the Youth4Europe learning experience!


6 Reasons to join us!

FASCINATING ENCOUTERS – You will take part in several mobilities in Europe and meet people from all over Europe

BROADEN YOUR HORIZONS – You will receive training to acquire the necessary competencies in order to be a capable and active youth leader (leadership skills, team management skills, conflict management skills, intercultural mediation skills, presentation and communication skills, empathy, understanding, active listening, engagement strategies etc.)

CERTIFY YOUR COMPETENCIES through an official Certificate from the Erasmus+ Programme and through Open Digital Badges – BADU

ENHANCE YOUR CV – You will gain relevant knowledge in European Policies that refer to environment and you will also learn how such Erasmus+ mobility projects are planned and implemented!

BECOME A CHANGEMAKER – You will learn how to be involved in Policy Making and Active Participation in the civil society

BECOME AN ACTIVE MEMBER OF JKPEV – You will have the opportunity to participate in more learning activities, events and volunteering actions of JKPeV onsite and abroad. JKPeV offers to competent young people opportunities for internships, Bundesfreiwilligendienst, student jobs and entry level job positions.



Training Course: 5th – 12th July 2019, Romania

Youth Exchange: 4th – 14th October 2019, Romania


If you find this opportunity exciting, you have a good level of English and you are able to participate in both the training course and the youth exchange, then contact us NOW!||0351 899 605 45