
JKPeV´s Participation at the “Wie anders ist anders?” Conference

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On Wednesday, September 25, Dr. Theresa Lempp and Veronika Zenker from Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. attended the conference “Wie anders ist anders?” (How different is different?) organised by the “Netzwerk Migration” in cooperation with “Netzwerk präventiver Kinderschutz und Frühe Hilfen Mittelsachsen” in Bürgerhaus Rochlitz and presented the project MOB-X as a best-practice example for diversity-oriented encounter spaces.
The conference focused on culture-sensitive work with children, adolescents and their families, with particular emphasis on the understanding of values ​​and roles in different cultures and their significance for pedagogical work.
After an informative input lecture by Prof. Dr. Steffi Weber-Unger-Rotino, a panel discussion took place with Kathrin Stebel, Ronny Allmendinger, Benedikt Pfohl and Touhami Elharchani, in which the practical relevance of the topic was established and discussed. After the lunch break, the participants had the opportunity to choose and participate in one of the three planned workshops.
Workshop 1 dealt with intercultural opening and methods for reflecting on values ​​and role models, whereas in workshop 2 the participants could discuss role models and integration with Prof. Weber-Unger-Rotino. In workshop 3 the project #töpfe#töne#tablets of the Treibhaus e.V. in Döbeln was presented as a practical example for diversity-oriented meeting spaces in addition to the project MOB-X. Afterwards the participants had the opportunity to share their own experiences in a short discussion round and to exchange opportunities and challenges one faces while creating diversity-friendly encounter spaces. The day ended with a short summary of each workshop.
We were happy to participate in this informative and successful conference!