
CREATION Press Release 1

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Cultural and Arts Entrepreneurship in Adult Education (CREATION), is a research project funded by Erasmus Plus, Key Action 2, Strategic Partnerships in Adult Education Sector (KA204), with an aim to explore the theoretical roots, pedagogical approaches, and practical training in and for cultural entrepreneurship in particular with regards to the training of underrepresented groups, being women who come from marginalised backgrounds (migrants, refugees and asylum seekers).


The project with duration of 24 months (September 2019 – October 2021) and a total budget of € 249 604, brings together a diverse spectrum of European organisations, including academic institutions, NGOs, and enterprises, with substantial experience in cultural and arts entrepreneurship, design education and inclusive practices for underrepresented groups.


At the heart of different lifelong learning programmes across the globe is the discussion of the creative economies, their characteristics and local peculiarities, and the need for adult training for a future workforce that possesses both creative, cultural or artistic skills and considerable business acumen.


Within this context, the gradual shift from an almost exclusive focus on management to the potential of cultural entrepreneurship, has seen an explosion in interest and a multitude of definitions of cultural entrepreneurship as a pedagogical approach and/or practical training for the creative industries.


Nevertheless, the added value that the creative industries represent, is often underestimated and underemployed by other sectors; so is the power of female entrepreneurs. For aspiring women entrepreneurs coming from marginalised backgrounds, it is even more crucial to develop the necessary knowledge and skills, to enable them to positively put a spot-light on the under-recognised added value and unique identity of the cultural and creative industries.


Through the CREATION project, the Consortium envisages to develop the kind of entrepreneurial skills framework for adult education for the creative and cultural sectors across Europe, which will focus in particular in bridging the gender gap in entrepreneurship and the need to address inclusion in instructional design.


The anticipated different intellectual outputs proposed in CREATION, are:

  • A Pedagogical Framework for cultural entrepreneurship education (IO1)
  • A toolkit of resources to build basic cultural entrepreneurial skills and competences (IO2)
  • A multifunctional and cross-sectoral online learning platform with open digital badges micro-credentials system (IO3)
  • Infusion of the CREATION Blueprint Package in the labour market – Policy Recommendations (IO4)
  • A train-the-trainer course for adult educators to enable them to harness the potential of cultural and arts entrepreneurship (IO5)


The Consortium with 7 partner organisations, is led by private university IADE-Universidade Europeia (ENSILIS) (Portugal), and consists of the following partners:  ‘Art + Design: elearning lab – design for social change’, CUT (Cyprus), European Creative Hubs Network, ECHN, in Greece, Future In Perspective Ltd FIPL (Ireland), HUB NICOSIA (Cyprus), Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. (JKPeV) (Germany), and MATERA HUB (Italy).


Project Details

Project No: 2019-1-PT01-KA204-06131

Start Date: 02/09/2019

Project Duration: 24 months

More information on the CREATION project

can be found on the project website.




Dr Ana Margarida Ferreira Project Coordinator

Email: ana.margarida.ferreira@ /

UE – Universidade Europeia

Dalia Sendra Rodríguez Project Coordination Team Email:


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