
Call for Participants in Interviews, Focus Group and Online Survey- European Youth on Stage Project

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Are you…


…a young youth worker, educator, trainer or volunteer in a youth organisation/youth centre?


…a young person (16-30), a young refugee, asylum seeker or a “2nd generation” migrant without EU citizenship?


…a youngster from disadvantaged areas (i.e. rural, urban problem zones), with fewer opportunities (i.e. health problems, disabilities, educational difficulties, social or economic obstacles)? 


…interested in the topic of digital multimedia and civic social theatre in the context of European Youth Goals and future EU policies among all youth?


If you live in Dresden or surrounding areas, have a working knowledge of English and you are between 16-30-year-old…


Then, by taking part in an on-line survey ( or a focus group or an interview, Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. can give you the opportunity through the 2-year Erasmus+ project “European Youth on Stage: Engage Connect Empower on the future of Europe – EyoS” to:


  • Participate in the International Mobility Training Activity (Slovenia-October 2020), in the Youth Exchange (Croatia-November 2020) and in the European Travelling Exhibition Festival (Italy, Sweden, Germany, Portugal, Croatia, Latvia-March to December 2021) within the framework of which performances will be realized in the above-mentioned European countries
  • Enrich your knowledge
  • Meet interesting and like-minded people from different European countries.


EYoS aims at promoting an aware knowledge and an active contribution to the European Youth Goals and future EU youth policies among all youth, with specific attention to under-represented groups, through peer approach, digital multimedia and civic social theatre.


What will be your role in the project?


You can choose to participate in any of the following project activities that are going to take place from the 1st of July 2020 to the 31th of August 2020:




The interview is part of a study to identify the most widespread and relevant difficulties and barriers of engagement of under-represented groups of youth on EU issues as well as evaluating the needs for training and stakeholder engagement in order to promote access and awareness of EU policies and opportunities. The interview should take around 30 – 40 minutes. In addition to a few handwritten notes during the interview, we will be audio taping the session so we do not miss important information in your responses. We intend to store and use the material from this interview, in our efforts to promote the project and its goals, through a variety of media channels including online. You do not have to talk about anything that is sensitive or private and you may end the interview at any time.


Focus group:


In the context of the ERASMUS+ EYoS project, a baseline study will be produced. The aim of the study is to examine the barriers and obstacles that prevent young people, particularly those who are under-represented, to take part and access EU opportunities and identify good practices across the EU. First hand, qualitative data for the study will be gathered through focus group interviews (5-10 participants) in each of the 8 partner countries. The focus group session will have a duration of two hours.


Take part in EYoS online survey in German language. Your participation is crucial for the further development of high-standard educational material and the successful implementation of the project:




If you are interested to participate please contact us by phone +49 351 899 605 45 or send an email to Stefan May: