
Videos of the past – Urban Art Ventures

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The ‘UrbanArtVentures’ project seeks to reactivate and revitalise the urban spaces of Thessaloniki through street art and cultural activities and to give the local people and international participants a chance to explore the possibilities of engagement in the cultural life and the developing urban landscape of Thessaloniki.

35 urban artists and street performers as well as urban art educators from Serbia, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom will be gathered in Thessaloniki, Greece from the 20th to the 29th of September, 2015 to share their experiences, best practices and knowledge regarding the use of urban art as a medium to promote active participation, understanding, respect for the other and for public spaces and to contribute to the urban art scene of Thessaloniki by creating their artworks in collaboration with local artists from the 22nd to the 27th of September. Their diverse background secures different aspects on the topic of the project and fosters a multifaceted solution process


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