
European Youth on Stage online training

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European Youth on Stage holds successful training for Youth Workers


On the 23rd of April, from 15:00-19:00 a transnational online training course for youth workers was held within the framework of the European Youth on Stage Erasmus+ project. Forty-eight participants from Italy, Germany, Sweden, Slovenia, Croatia and Portugal had the opportunity to take part in four workshops:

  1. EU policies towards youth and the European youth goals: the workshop was held by Bruno Antonio, coordinator of the DYPALL Network in Portugal. He spoke about the role of youth in European society and the influence of youth policies on their well-being. The European youth goals as product of a youth-led effort was given extra attention, as well as the role of youth workers in how to make the voice of youth heard.
  2. Intercultural competences: the workshop by the trainers from GEA Coop Sociale in Italy, Camilla Baldini, and Sofia Cominato focused on the intercultural skills youth workers need to have in order to work in multicultural teams effectively and with young people from different backgrounds as well as transfer these skills to young people.
  3. Civic theatre as a tool in youth work: the presentation held by Dorotea Šušak and Christian Jean-Michel Jalžečić, of ECHO Association, Croatia focused on the next steps of the European Youth on Stage project and the methods through which the topics of the project will be tackled involving young people that will create their performances. The topics are based on the European youth goals and a specific civic theatre methodology is used for each topic.
  4. Storytelling as a tool for conflict management. This workshop was held by Olga Yocheva, film maker, designer and digital media trainers of Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. from Germany. The interactive workshop showed how a compelling narrative can be created and how it can be used to bring people together and facilitate conflict resolution. The participants were invited to create their own narratives in the group-work session.

Even though a meeting in person would have been preferable to an online workshop via Zoom due to the pandemic, the participants were motivated and asked questions to the trainers. We look forward to the following steps of the European Youth on Stage project!

Further information about the project you can find here:



The project is co-financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme



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