
IO1 Training for Young Migrant Integration Leaders

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Between 12-14 May, the IO1 pilot training of Young Migrant Integration Leaders took place online within the framework of the EXEMPLAR project. The online training’s content was based on the outputs and resources produced throughout the EXEMPLAR project and its main purpose was to support young migrants and other individuals active in and committed to migrants’ integration process on local level. Participants acquired knowledge, skills and further developed their attitude so as to take the role of leader within their local community and help migrants develop competencies related to their integration in the digital era. The participants of this online training had different cultural and education backgrounds.


This three-day online training included the following theoretical content:


a) Self-confidence, self-esteem, intercultural awareness, and effective communication;

b) Engagement strategies, facilitating and leading groups, managing micro-networks and dedicated usage of IT-environment and social media;and had a modular structure which was included the following topics:

1) The integration and me, intercultural communication and competence, self-care;

2) Engagement and leadership skills, group support, micro-networks and

3) Effective communication, IT and social media.


Furthermore, participants had the chance to use the e-learning platform for exploring in-depth the aforementioned modules as part of their self-directed learning process.
The trainer, Claudio Orlacchio, and the JKPeV team would like to thank all participants that attended this online training.