
Call for Artists

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Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. Dresden is looking for artists to participate in the ART & DIVERSITY FESTIVAL on 16th-18th of July 2021.
This art festival is dedicated to the topic of Open Societies. It aims to counteract stereotypes and discrimination and wants to promote cultural diversity through the various forms of art.


Today’s societies, perhaps more than ever, are challenged by a rise of discrimination, that is fostered by prevailing policies and representations that are harmful to minorities. These minorities can include any groups suffering from disadvantaged and unequal treatment in a society, such as for example migrants, refugees, people from the LGBTQI spectrum, persons with physical impairments and many more. The concept of Open Societies aims to combat this discrimination and to fight hate speech, discrimination and xenophobia. It strives to create a society where everyone can express themselves and feel safe, free and included. It wants to promote tolerance, integration, social justice and open-mindedness while taking a stand against fundamentalist world views and discriminating behavior.
We believe that art plays an important role in observing, questioning and confronting stereotypes and discrimination. Therefore, we are looking for artworks, which reflect on the topic of Open Societies, to be exhibited during the ART & DIVERSITY FESTIVAL.




The works will be exhibited at the location of JKPeV (KulturCentrale, Hechtstr. 17, 01097 Dresden) and at Weltclub Dresden (Königsbrückerstr. 13, 01099 Dresden)




The festival and the exhibition will take place from 16th- 18th of July 2021.


Who can participate?


Anyone interested is welcome to participate in the call for artworks.


What kind of artworks are accepted?


All artworks that match the topic of the festival are welcome. Whether you paint, draw, do photography, installations or performances or if you are a musician or a writer- there is no limitation to a specific medium.



Share your ideas with us!


If you’re interested in participating, please hand in photos of your artworks until the 9th of July of 2021.
To do so, please send us a document with photographs your artworks, that match the topic of the exhibition. You may submit as many artworks as you like. Please make sure to indicate the size and material of the artwork underneath the photo. In case you are a musician or writer, please hand in an audio file or text.

Furthermore, please include a small biography of yourself and some information or comments on the artworks.
Please send this via E-Mail to


Download the CALL FOR ARTISTS here!