
Christmas Art Market

  |   Events, News
03.12.2021 – 06.01.2022


The ‘Weihnachts-Kunst-Markt’ (Christmas Art Market) in the Full Moon Gallery was supposed to be opened at the next full moon. Unfortunately, Corona rain on our parade again, but we won’t let that spoil our spirit.
From 3 December to 6 January 2022, numerous unique works by local artists will be exhibited in the exterior windows of the KulturCentrale as part of the ‘Weihnachts-Kunst-Markt’ and also will be sold for a small fee. So if you want to surprise your loved ones with an artistic gift under the Christmas tree, or are simply looking for new works of art and cannot afford the traditional art market, you should definitely find your way to us. With this exhibition, JKPeV wants to support local artists who are currently facing an enormous economic test due to the Corona pandemic and the associated crisis in the cultural sector.