
End of the 2 year project “European Youth on Stage”

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On the 25th of March, in order to mark the end of the 2 year project “European Youth on Stage” and to disseminate its results, the Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. invited the “Theatergemeinschaft”, a group of performers from Dresden who search together for common ways to work, rehearse and share their lives, to use the space of the KulturCentrale to present their work. The group premiered their performance format 4E+, which opens a “space of possibilities” in which the spectators could decide their distance to the presented, and dealt with perception, subjectivity, closeness and distance.


The performance was received with great acclaim by the spectators, of whom many were sitting or standing closely around the performers, while others preferred to stand outside the open doors of the multifunctional room of JKPeV that served as theatre this night and peaked inside. Several passers-by on the Hechtstrasse stopped and inquired about what was going on, fascinated by what was happening.


After the end of the performance, a JKPeV staff member gave an overview over the European Youth on Stage project and an excerpt of the documentary film that was created about the young people who created their own theatre play last summer as part of the project was shown. Questions about the project as well as the work of JKPeV were answered. Several guests asked if and when there will be more theatre-themed action by JKPeV. It was definitely a memorable and successful evening.