
HANNAH – Jewish life today – Conference

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Hechtstraße 17, Dresden



Within the framework of the HANNAH project, the Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. together with Centropa – Zentrum für jüdische Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts e.V. invites participants to the HANNAH – Germany Conference at the KulturCentrale in Dresden from June 13 to 14, 2022. During the two days there will be a detailed presentation of the HANNAH project and its results and activities, as well as various workshops, concerts, exhibitions and a World Café.


Please register for the conference here:




13. June 2022


Coffee lounge Registration and Welcome




HANNAH Project Presentation





Centropa workshop on digital storytelling and European-Jewish family histories


The approximately one-hour interactive workshop provides a behind-the-scenes look at the work of the Centropa Jewish History Institute, which documents Jewish family histories and photographs in 15 countries and preserves them for future generations and processes them in multimedia form. Specifically, the workshop will allow participants to discover Centropa’s multimedia materials in a guided “webquest.”Finally, Johanna Blender and Fabian Rühle, representing Centropa’s Hamburg office, will discuss with the participants what role oral history projects play in today’s remembrance work and how digitally prepared Jewish family histories like those of the Centropa archive can reach a broader public.




Presentation about Krav Maga


Patrick Becker (Director of Krav Maga Defcon Dresden) will present the basics of Krav Maga. Krav Maga is a modern Israeli self-defence system. Its origins go back to the boxer and wrestler Imrich Lichtenfeld, who in the 1930s combined elements of both sports as well as techniques of Jiu-Jitsu to arm Jews against antisemitic attacks. During the half-hour presentation, you will learn more about the history and basic techniques of Krav Maga.




Jewish life in Hamburg
Screening of the HANNAH documentary about Hamburg


After a short introduction about the HANNAH documentary, the HANNAH documentary episode about Hamburg will be screened. After the screening of the documentary episode a group discussion and/or open Q&A session will follow. The episode about Hamburg is part of the documentary series of the project “HANNAH – Challenging and Debunking Antisemitic Myths” which focuses on Jewish history, culture, and life as well as on the phenomenon of Antisemitism and different approaches on combatting it in five European cities: Athens (Greece), Dresden (Germany), Hamburg (Germany), Krakow (Poland) and Novi Sad (Serbia). Through interviews with historians, members of the Jewish community and representatives of civil society such as Rabbi Bistritzky, Stefan Hensel, Carmen Bisotti and others, the episode about Hamburg gives an overview of the history of Jews from their first settlement in Hamburg until today, the contemporary life of Jews in Hamburg, and the phenomenon of antisemitism in Hamburg along with Hamburg’s strategies and policies, civil society projects, exchange programmes and awareness-raising activities to combat antisemitism.





Exhibition: Centropa digital exhibition on European Jewish family histories



Live Concert: TROjKA

The trio from Dresden delights its audience with its extraordinary interplay of cello, guitar and piano. With their fresh and exuberant mix of world music, polka, klezmer and rock, guitarist Rico Wolf, pianist Albrecht Schumann and cellist Matthias Hübner, alias TROjKA, have been touring the country since 2012. The three musicians and composers never lack playful sophistication, joie de vivre and self-irony.

FB event





14. June 2022





Hechtstraße 17, Dresden



Coffee lounge Registration and Welcome




HANNAH World Café


During the HANNAH World Café, participants will have the opportunity to discuss in small groups Jewish culture in Dresden and Saxony and ways to combat anti-Semitism. There will be several topic tables, hosted by historian Daniel Ristau, Benjamin Winkler from the Amadeu Antonio Foundation and the director of the Jewish Week Dresden Avery Gosfield

  • What access do image sources open up to anti-Semitism and the Holocaust? – Discussion leader Daniel Ristau (historian): Hundreds of photographs documenting exclusion, persecution and mass murder are known from the National Socialist era. When critically classified, they allow as historical sources an approach to the question of how the Holocaust was possible.
  • What role does anti-Semitism play in the currently widespread conspiracy theories? – Discussion leader Benjamin Winkler (Amadeu Antonio Foundation):  In the two pandemic years, the spread of conspiracy narratives has increased. However, only in a few cases were Jews directly named as “conspirators” or “string pullers” of the pandemic. Anti-Semitism manifests itself subtly and covertly in current narratives. Therefore, the first question at the table is where the participants noticed anti-Semitism (text, image, structure) in the context of the narratives. Another question seeks answers about how to make people aware of the connection between conspiracy narratives and anti-Semitism.
  • How can anti-Semitism be combated with innovative methods? – Discussion leader Avery Gosfield (Jewish Week).
  • How can Dresden be made more attractive for Jewish life? – Discussion leader TBA




Jewish life in Dresden
Screening of the HANNAH documentary about Dresden


The episode about Dresden is part of the documentary series of the project “HANNAH – Challenging and Debunking Antisemitic Myths” which focuses on Jewish history, culture, and life, the phenomenon of Antisemitism and different approaches on combatting it in five European cities: Athens, Dresden, Hamburg, Krakow and Novi Sad. This episode gives the opportunity to the viewers to experience a short journey through the history of the Jewish community of Dresden with the historian Daniel Ristau. The second part of the documentary is dedicated to the culture, religious life, and celebrations of the Jewish community in Dresden as well as the current challenges that the Jewish community in Dresden is facing today. Finally, the phenomenon of antisemitism in Dresden and the State of Saxony is analysed by Dr. Thomas Feist, whereas different strategies and practices on combatting antisemitism are presented by representatives of civil society organisations, the Municipality of Dresden, the Jewish Community and the Saxon State Government for Jewish life.





Vernissage & Concert
BEGEGNUNGEN – TEXTE ALS FUNDSTÜCKE – Exhibition by Marion Kahnemann


The artist works for the most part with found objects made by people and shaped by their use – each with its own history, discarded by people. Marion Kahnemann is concerned with giving these objects back their human context – even if it is now a different one. Alongside this, she explores the possibilities of interaction between the textual and the visual. Dealing with texts is part of a longer process in which she relates what she has found. What is found can include objects, materials, texts, stories, experiences, encounters, “Vergegnungen” (Buber), or even simple discoveries during the process of creating. This results in a kind of dia-,tria- or tetralogue – quasi a conversation between the different materials, the colors, forms, texts, subtexts, herself, the viewer etc… This is in no way an illustration of the texts. In addition to biblical and rabbinic texts, the poetry and prose of Else Lasker-Schüler, Rose Ausländer, Yehuda Amichai and Peter Weiss have increasingly become the focus of her artistic exploration in recent years.



More about it!