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We are glad to share with you a video excerpt of the 20th Lunch Talk hosted by ENCATE – the European Network for Countering Antisemitism through Education. In this short video, the European Project “HANNAH – Challenging & Debunking Antisemitic Myths” and its outputs are presented by Myrto-Helena Pertsinidi from JKPeV, Dr. Alexandra Patrikiou from The Jewish Museum of Greece and Fabian Rühle from Centropa. Special focus was given to the HANNAH online course which is about the history and life of the Jewish communities in Germany, Greece, Poland, and Serbia, as well as modern antisemitism in Europe and ways to combat it. Furthermore, the HANNAH curriculum of the face-to-face training seminars was discussed as well as the impact of the face-to-face training seminars on teachers, archivists and librarians. Also, the HANNAH documentary series about Jewish history and life as well as different forms of antisemitism in Athens, Dresden, Hamburg, Krakow, and Novi Sad was shortly presented. Finally, Fabian Rühle provided information about the HANNAH Youth Competition, where young people aged between 12-16 and 17-21 are welcome to submit their short videos about their town’s Jewish heritage. The deadline is the 5th of October! More information can be found here:
We would like to thank ENCATE once again for giving us this wonderful opportunity to present and discuss the HANNAH project.
For regular lunch talks and more information, please visit: