
“STORIES OF GOODNESS” Online brochure

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The online brochure “STORIES OF GOODNESS” under the project CARE ON: Manage the COVID crisis with Care, reasOn, Values, unIty, soliDarity” is ready

The “CARE ON: Manage the COVID crisis with Care, reasOn, Values, unIty, solidarity” project is a response to the global crisis that has tried to stop the “rotation of the Earth”. The coronavirus pandemic has affected the entire world. In Europe, the number of infected reached millions in the last 3 years, and thousands have died.



The Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. collaborated with 7 partners on this Europe-wide project: Contemporary Pleven Media Foundation, Pleven, Bulgaria; ASOCIACIÓN DE INNOVACIÓN FORMACIÓN Y EMPLEO PARA EL DESARROLLO SOSTENIBLE (AIFED), Granada, Spain; EDUCOMMART, Athens, Greece; MINORITY & LOCAL MEDIA DEVELOPMENT CENTER (MLMDC), Novi Sad, Serbia; SPIRALIS, Prague, Czech Republic; OPEN LITHUANIA FOUNDATION (OLF), Vilnius, Lithuania and 36.6 CENTRUM KOMPETENCJI, Lodz, Poland.



At the center of this project is placed the Human: Doctors, managers, teachers, entrepreneurs, parents, the unemployed, young and old people, convinced Europeans or Eurosceptics. In order to give people across Europe a voice, ten thematic debates were held under the title “Lessons from the crisis”. These debates discussed the experiences and lessons learned in the areas of culture and social affairs, education, inclusion, youth, families, economy, media and health care with different target groups.



As a result of discussions during the debates and extensive research, 42 very personal and human stories were collected from 8 countries: Germany, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Lithuania, Poland, Republic of Serbia and Spain. They are presented in the online brochure: “STORIES OF GOODNESS”. The brochure contains photos, videos and stories of help and empathy, personal experiences and best practices from doctors, NGOs, communities, cities and countries.



This booklet shines a light on the daily, quiet act of kindness that we believe is even more contagious than the virus.