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The Art Is Us project is meant to promote skills development and social inclusion through Creativity and Arts. It is a partnership of organisations from Slovenia, Germany, Italy, Greece and Romania. Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. is the German partner in this project. For one we developed part of an online course meant to help people active in the arts to develop their organizational skills. In order to promote the arts and the artists our filmmaker created 5 videos in which some of the artists we work together to improve the community introduce themselves. One of those artists is the good friend of JKPeV Aleksandra Vagabonda – please watch here an interview with her about her creative journey.

Aleksandra Vagabonda is a self-taught artist from Poland. She started to actively do art in age of 21 when she resigned from studies and went for an unconventional travel to seek for herself. Although she was interested on the beginning with drawings and oil paintings, during the time she expanded her horizons to Batik, Woodcut, Woodcut print, Animation, Graffiti and finally Tattoos. Every art piece focuses on social or emotional problems that should not be suppressed but brought it to the daily light and start process of inner healing. With her art as well as her projects like the metamorphosa festival she wants to help people to realize themselves.


The project is co-financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme



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