
Artists Lounge – ART IS US multiplier event @KulturCentrale

  |   Events, Multiplier Event, News
As part of the Art is Us project, the Artists Lounge took place last Saturday at the KulturCentrale. The Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. presented the European project ART is US to the numerous guests, the innovative projects that were realised within the framework of ART is US this winter and showed 5 short film portraits of the Dresden artists Aleksandra Vagabonda , Ana Pireva, Izabela Modrzewska , Karolin Kutteri and Augusto Gerardi . Later, the artists also discussed with the audience the difficulties of being an artist, local challenges and perspectives of the Dresden art and culture scene.
Afterwards, Aleksandra Vagabonda and Hakim Photography gave short presentations about their ART is US residencies in Athens and Dresden, allowing the audience to take part in their experiences during the time of the residencies and to see the artistic results from this period.