
METARMOPHOSIS DES GEISTES – Exhibition of the Digital Art Residencies @ Full Moon Gallery

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Last weekend, just in time for the full moon, the Digital Art Residencies exhibition opened at Full Moon Gallery under the evocative title METARMOPHOSIS OF THE MIND.
The digital art show runs until 9 March and presents deeply emotional and visionary collaborations of local and international artists with a thematic focus on the creative adaptation of digital technologies.

We would like to thank all the participating artists: Mia-Ann Böhm (Germany), Augusto Gerardi Rousset (Venezuela), Jakyeong Jeong (South Korea/Germany), Belal Kalash (Germany), Oleksandra Kulikovska (Ukraine), Anna Mukhanova (Ukraine), Laura Michelle Schubert (Germany), Michael Siegmund (Germany), Thomas Heerwagen (Germany), Serafyma Vutianova (Ukraine).

Our thanks also go to the many dedicated supporters and volunteers who made this exhibition possible in the first place.

DIGITAL ART RESIDENCIES (a project funded by KulturGemeinschaften)