
JKPeV joined the kick-off meeting for our newest project COPE on 6 February 2023 in Prague

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Straight after the multiplier event of the Art is Us Project and the vernissage of the Digital Art Residencies METAMORPHOSIS DES GEISTES exhibition, Stefan Kiehne, the Chair of JKPeV, joined the Kick-Off Meeting of our new Project COPE: Concrete Peer to peer solutions and support among youth for mentally coping with the anxiety and stress associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.


The Kick-off-Meeting took place on the 6th of February 2023 in Prague, with the participation of all project partners: JKPeV (Germany), VAEV Research and Development Agency GmbH (Austria), IDEC (Greece), Innovation Training Center, S.L. (Spain) and Symplexis (Greece). The meeting was hosted by the project coordinator Youth Included ZS (Czech Republic).


The COPE project aims to counter the negative effects of the conflict in Ukraine and the COVID-19 crisis on youth mental health by strengthening key protective factors through digital peer support through the arts. Young participants will be provided with educational tools and opportunities that will allow them to feel included, and thus be able to improve their mental health through hybrid, self-directed skills training with their peers under the guidance of youth specialists.
During the Kick-off-Meeting in Prague, partners had the opportunity to introduce themselves as well as discuss the project implementation, its timeline, their tasks, and activities. The consortium will meet on a regular basis online to monitor the development of tasks in order to achieve high-quality results.
We would like to thank the Youth Included team for the organisation and warm hospitality of the meeting, and our partners for being so active and supportive!