
Chocolate and Well-being – A Match Made in Heaven!

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As we start this New Year, it is a time to look back on some of the highlights from 2022. For the FINER project partners, one highlight was definitely the transnational partner meeting which took place in Turin, Italy from 2nd until 4th November 2022. While the opportunity to meet with the FINER partners was a highlight in itself, this meeting was made all the more special by the event that was taking place in Turin at this time. What could have made this meeting even better you ask? It was a Chocolate Festival!


Known as Cioccolatò, this is an annual chocolate festival takes place every November for the full month! This festival has been running since 2004, and this year saw over 120 artisan and master chocolatiers from across Italy, and further afield, travelling to Turin to share their products with chocolate lovers. There are competitions for the chocolatiers, workshops and events for children and adults, and kilos and kilos of chocolate to enjoy! If only every Erasmus+ meeting had a social programme like this!


You can get a better sense of the festival in this short walking tour on YouTube: – but we recommend you travel to this festival if you can, so that you can enjoy the tastes, flavours and aromas of this festival for yourself.


While we really enjoyed the chocolate, FINER partners travelled to Turin for our first transnational meeting. This was the first time that all partners were able to meet in person since the start of this project. The meeting, which was hosted by the University of Turin, gave partners the opportunity to review and finalise our work on the FINER Well-Being E-Book, and also to review the work so far on the 3D Online Mall, where a range of interactive well-being, self-help and education resources will be provided for young adults, and the educators and care-givers who support them.


Following on from this meeting, FINER project partners have been able to start working on developing the Target Finder Toolkit, which will be used by adult educators and young adults to set well-being targets for young adults, so that they can manage their own well-being as they navigate the post-COVID world.


If you would like to find out more about our work on the FINER project, please visit our website:; and to keep up to date with our work, and our chocolate adventures, please find and follow us on Facebook: and Instagram:


Thanks for reading!