
Kick-off Meeting – NASPLY project, 28th of February – 3rd of March 2023

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On the 1st and the 2nd of March 2023 we kicked off the #NASPLY project with its first transnational meeting in beautiful Malta! The JKPeV team represented by Myrto and Stefan presented our organisation and met the NASPLY partners.


Our partners: Friends of the Earth Malta represented by Anne Marie, Sabella and Gianmarco – coordinator, RESET-Research and Education in Social Empowerment and Transformation from Cyprus represented by Stephanie, La Fenice APS from Italy represented by Hanaa and Uberto, Permacultura Cantabria from Spain represented by Carmen, Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector represented by Chris & Prisms Malta represented by Abraham and Marie Claire.


At the face-to-face kick-off meeting all partners introduced their organisations, and Friends of the Earth Malta presented the project and gave an overview of its key aspects, objectives, activities and results.
But…what’s NASPLY? NASPLY stands for Nature And Social Permaculture Learning for Youth. The project aims to tackle the environmental and climate crisis, foster social inclusion, develop life-skills of marginalised youth and improve their well-being through the holistic permaculture approach.


How will all these objectives be achieved?


– Through the development of a Curriculum and the implementation of a Training Course on Nature and Social Permaculture addressed to Youth Workers & Youth
– Through the development of the Nature and Social Permaculture Toolkit – Multi-session programme for Youth Workers and a Workbook for Youth
– Through the development of the Green Entrepreneurial Manual


After the meeting was closed, we had the chance to visit a rehabilitation center where social permaculture is applied. We were guided around the premises of the rehabilitation center, and walked through the permaculture gardens and cultivations created by the volunteers and the people who join the rehabilitation programme.


From 19-24 May 2023, Permacultural Cantabria is going to host and implement a training on Nature and Social Permaculture in Cantabria! We are looking forward to learning more in depth about social permaculture in theory and practice!
Do you want to be part of our team and learn how you can practice permaculture? Stay tuned as more information is coming!