
Building Better – Multiplier event

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Are you interested in cultural and art activities and events?

Do you wish to participate more actively in the field of arts and cultural and creative sectors?

Do you work with young people and young people with fewer opportunities, and involve them in culture and the arts?


If so, you are welcome to join the Building Better Event where the JKPeV team is going to talk about the Building Better project and its results explaining how you could have a social impact on your local community and more specifically on young people’s active involvement in cultural, art and creative activities. Building Better is a European project which aims to reinforce the cooperation between representatives from the cultural and creative sectors, the arts, youth policy and support systems, with the aim of finding creative and innovative solutions to the new challenges that have occurred due to the pandemic, the war in Ukraine and the current sociopolitical crisis in Europe.

Want to learn more about the project? Join us on the 5th of May 2023 at 20:00 CET at KulturCentrale on Hechtstr. 17, 01097 Dresden. Be there!

Afterwards, the exhibition “die oktopusgeschichte” (the octopus story) by the Dresden artist Alabaster Becher will take place, to which we would also like to kindly invite you.



Alabaster Becher’s artwork is not created by thinking or feeling – it is the way he thinks and feels. In this collection of works, he transgresses into the lines of the poem ” der Oktopus” (the octopus) by L. Stüdemann. The words of the poem do not serve merely to convey information. For Alabaster Becher, it is rather the emotions triggered by the rythmics of the letters. The artist seems to understand this kind of artistic expression in depth and works on the fusion of his aesthetics with that of the poem in the picture series “die oktopusgeschichte”.

05 May 2023 – 02 June 2023
Vernissage | 05 May 2023 | 20:00
Finissage with live music & video show (acacia&magnolia) | 02 June 2023 | 20:00
Full Moon Gallery
Admission free!