
Enacting Film Festival

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Last weekend, our exciting ENACTING DIGITAL FILM FESTIVAL took place. We dedicated two days to social documentary: We presented the ENACTING project and the partners behind it. We received insights from international filmmakers in short interviews. We discussed the power of social documentary films with sociologists, educators, cultural scientists and documentary filmmakers. International film experts introduced us to the ENACTING online course in the four Virtual Guides THE ART OF SOCIAL RESEARCH AND INCLUSION, THE ART OF FILMING, THEART OF SOUND AND LIGHT, and THE ART OF EDITING. A special highlight and pleasure was the online award ceremony, where we honoured documentary films submitted for the festival competition in the categories BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY, BEST DIRECTOR, BEST CAMERA and BEST EDITING, and the award-winning filmmakers talked to us and our experts about their films and their experiences. The project consortium then announced afterward the BEST DOCUMENTARY FROM GERMANY, BEST DOCUMENTARY FROM FRANCE, BEST DOCUMENTARY FROM GREECE, BEST DOCUMENTARY FROM ITALY, BEST INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTARY. Again, we had the great honour of congratulating all the winning filmmakers online and conducting a short interview with them.


The festival closed with a Streaming of all awarded and also all nominated documentaries. This festival selection will soon be available on the ENACTING homepage. Feel free to check it out:


We would like to thank all the filmmakers for their participation, our experts for their insights and expertise, our wonderful technicians for their patience and support, and all the viewers for their interest.


And now here are some wonderful moments from ENACTING – THE DIGITAL FILM FESTIVAL on 28-29 April 2023! Thanks for watching us and participating in this impactful festival!


#socialimpact #socialdocumentary #inclusion


Jugend-& Kulturprojekt e.V.

Centro di Creazione e Cultura

Les Tetes De L’Art

Research Innovation And Development Lab

Synergeio Mousikou Theatrou Astikimi Kerdoskopiki Etaireia


The project is co-financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme



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