
“Teaching 20th century European-Jewish #stories using Berlin as a 3D classroom”

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“Teaching 20th century European-Jewish stories using Berlin as a 3D classroom” is an innovative training seminar that took place in Berlin from 29 September – 2 October, attended by German, Polish and Israeli school teachers. The training seminar gave the opportunity to teachers to explore the life of seven Jewish women in the 20th century, discuss and share best practices by exploring the biographies of Jewish women from seven countries in Europe (Germany, Hungary, Greece, Poland, Spain, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic). The video recording of the training seminar and the interviews of the people involved, is part of the HerStories documentary film, which is being produced by Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V..


JKPeV’s film maker, Olga Yocheva, joined the the 2nd and 3rd day of the training seminar, which included the following: an interactive guided tour of the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, the Memorial to the Murdered Sinti and Roma and the Memorial to the Persecuted Homosexuals, group work on HerStories GoogleClassroom exercises, creative methods for working with Jewish women’s stories in the classroom, screening of Centropa’s film “From Frankfurt to Tel Aviv”, a historical lecture by Lilly Maier, PhD student at the University of Munich under the title “(Jewish) women in the rescue of Jews during the Shoah”, a guided tour in the Bavarian Quarter in Schönenberg with its outdoor “Places of Remembrance”, a guided tour in the House of the Wannsee Conference, a workshop on educational materials at the House of the Wannsee Conference and a visit to the Gleis 17 memorial with a speech by Lowell Blackman and a ceremony led by Amir Tamari.



The HerStories project is co-funded by the European Union through the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) Program. Partners: Centropa from Hamburg-Germany (coordinator), the Galicia Jewish Museum from Krakow-Poland, the Jewish Museum of Greece from Athens-Greece, Mozaika from Barcelona-Spain, Centropa Alapítvány from Budapest-Hungary, and Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. from Dresden-Germany.