The FINER project consortium met again online today on behalf of Well-Being
The FINER project consortium met again online today on behalf of Well-Being. We mainly toasted the release of our Target Finder Toolkit and the FINER Self-Assessment Quiz in all partner languages. But we have much more planned. Coming in November is the release of our 3D Online Mall and FINER Mapping. The Online 3D Mall will invite young adults and adult educators to navigate the virtual world of a 3D Mall and explore different paths for improving their well-being. Also, through the online 3D Mall Platform, FINER will host a virtual marketplace where stakeholders and organisations work to provide well-being services to young adults in each country – Austria, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, and Italy.
All partners also jointly planned the FINER events, which they will all host online and f2f in their countries in December and January. In these events, all partners will present the great project results of the FINER project: the FINER Well-Being E-Book, the Target Finder Toolkit, the FINER Self-Assessment Quiz, the FINER Mapping and the FINER 3D Online Mall. We are looking forward to the events, networking with different stakeholders of the Well-Being scene and exchanging ideas with our target groups.
Stay tuned for more news on the FINER project. Check out our website and follow us on Facebook & Instagram.