
Last Saturday, our NASPLY training on the topic of “Social Permaculture” took place.

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The Social Permaculture training session kicked off on Saturday, the 4th of November, where everyone got to know each other over a cup of tea in the beautiful sunshine and had the opportunity to prepare for the topic by playing evolution-rock-paper-scissors together.


Botanist and arborist Markus Günther and NASPLY trainer/ JKPeV project coordinator Doreen Siegmund jointly led the four-hour workshop. Doreen introduced Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V., the NASPLY project, and the NASPLY online course were presented. The participants then created mind maps together to answer the following questions: 1) What inspired you to take part in the permaculture workshop? 2) How do you associate with the term ‘resilient communities’? 3) What skills should we have in order to lead a sustainable and harmonious life?


Building on the mind maps, the term ‘permaculture’ and the associated basic ethical principles were further explained and summarised in the permaculture FLOWER. In a joint group discussion, the importance of social permaculture was discussed, and how resilient communities can be created, maintained, and strengthened. In particular, the participants compared the functioning patterns of nature and looked together for examples of how communities can utilise them.


After a short break, botanist Markus Günther explained to the participants what an ecosystem is and what actually a well-functioning ecosystem means. Various examples of symbiotic relationships/small ecosystems in nature were presented, such as mycorrhiza, epiphytes, pollination, and mutualism. At the same time, the focus was also put on ecosystems in urban areas, how these can be strengthened, and how the 12 principles of permaculture can help us to create and maintain resilient communities and ecosystems.


In the practical part that followed, the participants worked together to maintain the garden of the null7b cultural association and built an insect hotel from natural materials that had previously been collected by the participants. This now adorns the inner courtyard of null7b and is a safe shelter for insects.


For more information check out the NASPLY website:

If you would like to learn more about permaculture, we highly recommend you to join the free NASPLY online course which is available in English:


If you would like to learn more about permaculture, we highly recommend the free NASPLY online course: