

  |   News, Opportunities

🌿 Are you passionate about climate change issues?

🌳 Do you feel overwhelmed with your fight for climate justice?

🫂  Are you navigating the challenging terrain of mental health struggles, particularly climate-induced worry?

✋Are you between 18 and 30 years old? And are you resident in Germany?

Then, we are looking for you!  Join the CLIMATE CARE CAMP! 💫

From feelings of eco-anxiety, anger, or sadness to moments of hope, joy, and empowerment, our camp offers an introspective experience. Find relief from the negative emotions brought on by the climate crisis and move forward. Learn how to navigate through these different emotions as you embark on a transformative journey.


What to expect?

👉 Meet great people! Share, meditate and explore emotions in a safe space.

👉 Get creative! Express yourself and shift to hope and actions.

👉 Connect with nature and embrace the beauty around you!



DAY1: Opening circle and welcoming

DAY2: Coming from gratitude – Grounding in the place, meditation, compass & tea

DAY3: Honouring our pain for the world – Theory, meditation and emotions, creative practices, cosy get- together

DAY4: Seeing with new eyes – Self-care, harvesting, making soup

DAY5: Going forth – Dancing, engaging, moving forward


📅 When? From 20th of June, 6 PM, until 24th of June, 2 PM

📍Where? Makvärket cultural centre,

Teglværksvej 30, 4420 Regstrup



What is covered by the project:

🏨Accommodation 🥨Meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner)  ✈️Travel expenses

📌N.B. Attendees will have the option between sharing rooms with up to 8 other guests, or bringing their own tent. Due to ongoing renovations, access to daily showers may be limited. All the food provided will be vegan and organic. 📌

This camp is developed within the framework of the Erasmus+ project “CALM-EY – Coping with Climate Anxiety: Learning Methods for Mental Health for European Youth


🌱 Ready to join us? Register now:

To express your interest, please fill out the application form by the 25th of May.

To acquire further information on the training and the project, you can contact us via

Tel.: +49 351 81 047 66 or




Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. Project Reference Number: 2023-1-EE01-KA220-YOU-000158460


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