Building Entrepreneurial Competences Through Challenge-Based Learning
01.06.2019 – 31.05.2021
GAME-CHANGER is a 24-month Erasmus+ strategic partnership project that aims to harness the pervasiveness of digital and social media environments to build entrepreneurial capacity throughout Europe. In pursuit of this objective partners will:
(1) Support front-line youth workers to develop new professional competences that enable them to harness the potential of online, challenge-based education to build the entrepreneurial attributes of their youth target group;
(2) Develop a suite of WebQuest resources to support the acquisition of entrepreneurial competences.
Online learning can enhance educational outcomes by enabling access to additional learning resources and supporting disadvantaged learners, such as those from low socioeconomic backgrounds; those living with a disability; or those living in remote areas where mainstream institution-based provision is absent. The online WebQuest approach not only empowers learners to make choices about their own learning, it also provides front-line youth workers with a cost-effective solution to the delivery of high-value training.
The main target group are front line youth-workers, who will be primary beneficiaries of the proposed in-service training programe, and young people who will reap the benefits of the new modular curriculum, in reality, both the professionals and learners engaged will extract significant benefits from all proposed outputs. The developement of entreprenurial capacity of European citizens is the main objective of the EU and Member States and as it benefits individuals and society as a whole.
Project Partners:
Lancaster and Morecambe College – United Kingdom – Lead partner
The Rural Hub CLG – Ireland
Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. – Germany
Ośrodek Szkoleniowo Badawczy Inneo – Poland
The project is co-financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme
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