Art is Us [2021-2023]

About This Project

Art is Us

Art for Local Innovation




05/2021 – 04/2023


The Art is Us project aims to use the transformative force of culture for community generation to respond to the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had both on artists and the cultural sector and on social inclusion and cohesion. The project as a learning programme supports a state-of-the-art educational approach that focuses on the needs of the learners, and it will provide 4 microlearning courses for artists, community leaders, and art educators, to equip them with more competencies and skills to be successful innovators in their communities. It enhances social inclusion by fostering innovative, arts-based participatory, and intercultural dialogue approaches.


The project aims to:

Promote Skills Development and Social Inclusion through Creativity and the Arts.


Specific objectives:

  • Provide a relevant, targeted, and engaging skills development programme that can be sustained after the end of project delivery.
  • Foster equality and social Inclusion through participatory, codesign activities of arts-based innovative solutions that benefit all members of the targeted communities, regardless of social and cultural background.
  • Contribute to or stimulate policy initiatives that support arts-based education and interventions for community revitalization and innovation.


The 3 outputs of the project are:

  • IO1: Art is Us learning programme – will provide learners with capacity-building material and guidance on how the learners’ community innovation project can be implemented.
  • IO2: Art is Us web platform – will foster cooperation, sharing and exchange for the optimal design and delivery of projects.
  • IO3: Open Innovation Activities – implements the projects through Open Innovation Activities that create innovatory change in the communities.


The Art is Us learning programme (blended learning) comprises also practical, on-the-job components, namely, mentorship, peer learning, and workshops. It gives the possibility for learners to materialize their community development vision, talk about the Art is Us experience and their work, and contribute to its delivery.

With the Open Innovation Activities, at least 60 ideas are expected to be successfully delivered and make a change in the community.


Lastly, the Multiplier events and Transnational activities will take place as Community Cafes, regional and national events in the different partners’ countries, with the main objectives of:

  • Sparking dialog, raising awareness, and inspiring action
  • Presenting the Art is Us project and the micro-learning modules
  • Explaining and involving the community in the Open Innovation Activities
  • Making arts and culture more accessible to the people by bringing it right to the heart of the communities
  • Building ownership, partnerships, and collaborations not only in preparation for the Art is Us Open Innovation Activities but also for the long run.



Project Partners:

Zavod Za Avtorsko Produkcijo Izobrazevanje Inovativnost In Sodelovanje (APIS) – Coordinator

Jugend-& Kulturprojekt e.V.

Melting Pro Learning Societa Cooperativa

ART AND ACTION NETWORK (balloon people)

Research Innovation and Development Lab Private Company

Centrul Pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente Timisoara Asociatia




The project is co-financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme





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