ENACTING [2021-2023]

About This Project


Generating Social Impact Through Filming





06/2021 – 04/2023



ENACTING is a two-year Erasmus+ strategic partnership project that presents a method for civic engagement and aims at the promotion of common values, inclusion, civic engagement, and participation through skills development in the arts and innovative digital practices. ENACTING presents a method for civic engagement that uses video documentaries to capture discourses within focused local settings and translocate them to online spaces. The method aims to facilitate creativity, innovation, and active citizenship, as well as the exchange of perspectives between communities across these spaces.


The project aims are to:

  • Identify social challenges in local contexts, and provide a concrete methodology for doing so
  • Promote skills development in the artistic digital practice of developing a social documentary by providing web-based training on social documentary development (ENACTING MOOC).
  • Empower awareness, active citizenship, participation, and social inclusion and foster innovative, intercommunity, intercultural dialogue, through the ENACTING Participatory Media Lab.
  • Promote audience development and the use of digital means to create and disseminate cultural products, through the Participatory Media Lab, contributing to the recovery resilience of the CCS.


The intellectual outputs from the project are:

  • IO1: Identification of local challenges in urban settings. Besides the Local Challenges Assessment, the IO will provide a concrete methodology for the identification of local challenges, that can be transferred and re-used in other contexts.
  • IO2: ENACTING Social Documentary Film Training Course. A comprehensive training course comprising a suite of modules and resources- that will support interested adult learners of all backgrounds as well as partners’ teaching and administrative staff to develop their skills in producing social documentary films.
  • IO3: ENACTING MOOC – a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and a freely accessible Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) containing the training material developed.
  • IO4: ENACTING Participatory Media Lab – a collective virtual place that allows both to give visibility to the productions made by the participants from different countries and to represent a space for dialogue and exchange.




Project partners:

Jugend-& Kulturprojekt e.V. – Coordinator

Centro di Creazione e Cultura

Les Tetes De L’Art

Research Innovation And Development Lab

Synergeio Mousikou Theatrou Astikimi Kerdoskopiki Etaireia


The project is co-financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme




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