About This Project

European Youth on Stage

Engage Connect Empower on the future of Europe – EYoS



Duration: 24 months (January 2020 – December 2021)


Summary of the project:

The European Youth on Stage aims to raise young people’s awareness about the European Union and promote active participation of young under-represented groups and youth with special needs on European level.


The objectives of EyoS for more open, resilient, and inclusive societies are going to create a safe space for self-expression of youngsters and help them to find their own role in the local community as well as prevent their radicalization and possible hate attacks towards them, through increasing the mutual understanding and achieving intercultural dialogue.


The EYoS has 5 main objectives:


1.Create networking and mutual solidarity between active youth/youngsters already engaged on EU issues and less engaged youth /under-represented youngsters, potential new European citizens (as young refugees, second- generation migrants etc…).

2.Strengthen capabilities of youth workers and youth organizations to promote active participation of under-represented groups of youth, improve their capacity and ensure inclusive representation on the European level.

3.Promote digital multimedia and civic/social theatre as universal tools of communication to increase active and creative engagement of different groups of youth in EU issues.

4.Raise Awareness and critical knowledge of EU Youth Goals, Youth Agenda and main EU youth policies and instruments by increasing dialogue and involvement of youth in decision-making processes.

5.Foster networking, capacity building and mutual cooperation among youth organizations from different European countries to promote active citizenship.


The EyoS project will contribute to the development, validation and scaling-up of an array of useful youth inclusion spaces, resources, and tools such as:


  • Monitoring & Evaluation of youth needs by setting creative focus groups;
  • A Handbook of good practices;
  • Training toolkits for youth and youth workers;
  • 7 theatre performances with 7 videos;
  • Launch of the European Festival and European Awareness Raising Campaign;


With its outcomes the European Youth on Stage project aims to create an environment where all youngsters feel free to express ideas and contribute actively into society and to foster the inclusion of migrants/refugees and youth from other disadvantaged groups on the local level to overcome language barriers through creative arts, social theatre and multimedia/digital tools.





The project is co-financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme



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