About This Project

Exhibition ENCHANTED PLACES – Forgotten architecture in Europe


The project’s goal was to connect architects, photographers, film producers, historians, art historians, project managers and not-for-profit organisations. They had the task to present a case study about an abandoned building from their home town, decaying because it is no longer in use.


Historic and architectural research has been conducted and photography and films were used to resurrect buildings in the following cities: Sofia (Bulgaria), Dresden (Germany), Toulouse (France), Thessaloniki (Greece), Avella (Italy), Zagreb (Croatia) and Hakkari (Turkey).


The participants from all the cooperating countries presented their case studies and discussed the potential as well as the difficulties they were facing, while they were dealing with the possibilities of reusing the buildings.


An exchange of experiences, concepts, expert knowledge and opinions occurred. The project was characterised by teamwork and cultural exchange. The exposition which is shown here presents the results of the work, which the participants of the projects made during one week, based on the subject ‘enchanted places’.



Exhibition: 14th of January – 1st of April, 2016

Private View: 14th of January, 2016; 7 pm


Entry to the permanent exposition „WohnKultur – Bauen und Wohnen nach 1945“ (LivingCulture – Building and Living after 1945) is free on the evening.


JohannStadthalle e. V.
Holbeinstraße 68
01307 Dresden




