LevelUp! [2018-19]
About This Project
Qualitative Youth Work Development and its Validation
Duration: September 2018 – April 2019
The training course LevelUp! aims to gather youth workers, youth educators and youth leaders in order to work through the exchange of best practices, experiences and expertise on the development of a common quality assurance framework that addresses certain needs of young people that have been identified in all the partner countries involved. This will be achieved by all participants exchanging the best practices, experiences and expertise on the matter.
The participants will work in groups in order to adapt this framework to the real needs of the young people of their communities. Furthermore, new innovative digital and online tools will be shared and tested regarding the validation and recognition of youth work. Working closely with youth organisations from different countries in Europe is an important objective of this training course so that a strong, international network is built.
Youth workers, youth educators and youth leaders from Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Poland, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom will meet first in Dresden, Germany from 15 to 19 October 2018 and then in Thessaloniki, Greece, in January 2019.
After the completion of the first activity in Dresden, the partner organisations and the participants will provide their feedback on the effectiveness of the quality assurance framework and the digital tools for the validation of youth work through an evaluation system developed by JKPeV. By running two activities instead of one, we will be able to better disseminate the results of our work, test them and work further on improving them.
1st activity: 15-19 October 2018
2nd activity: 27-30 January 2019
The project is co-financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme
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