No Hate Filmfestival [2018] [ENG]

NO HATE FILM FESTIVAL // 16-18.11.2018 // Technische Sammlungen Dresden


Within the framework of the Europe for Citizens project “You are Welcome” in cooperation with the city of Dresden, Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. organises the international festival “NO HATE” at the museum ‘Technische Sammlungen Dresden’ from 16-18 November 2018. The Festival aims to counter different forms of hate, discrimination, stereotypes and violence in Europe by offering a diversity of activities through arts, media and dialogue. Citizens of Dresden with and without migration background as well as international guests have the opportunity to experience an event that promotes cultural diversity, cross-cultural exchange and understanding whilst sharing various forms of counter-speech.


The diverse and multifaceted festival programme encourages the active participation of people from different age groups, cultural and social backgrounds. Nine Documentary films from different European cities – Ceuta (Spain), Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina), Belfast (Northern Island), Paphos (Cyprus), Plovdiv (Bulgaria), Thessaloniki (Greece), Moscow (Russia), Wroclaw (Poland) and Dresden (Germany) – that have witnessed conflict or war, will be screened (original language with English subtitles). Each film has a different theme but they all focus on a single overarching topic: how a community deals with a conflict. The films comprise the project “Europa Transit” within the framework of the “European Capital of Culture – Donostia/San Sebastian 2016”.


Documentary films:


1)“Waiting for Summers Return”, directed by Barbara Lubich, Michael Sommermeyer 2017 // Dresden, Germany // 96 minutes // German with English subtitles // Friday, 16 November 2018 at 19:00 // Goldberg Saal


2) “Dresden Refuge”, directed by Xuban Intxausti 2016 // Dresden, Germany // 56 minutes // German with English subtitles // Friday, 16 November 2018 at 22:00 // Goldberg Saal


3) “In Dialogue”directed by David Ramos 2016 // Barcelona, Spain // 68 minutes // original language with English subtitles // Saturday, 17 November at 14:30 // Goldberg Saal


4) Messages at the Border” directed by Marc Parramon // Ceuta, Spain // 67 minutes // original language with English subtitles // Saturday, 17 November 2018 at 14:30 // Museumskino


5) “The Human library” directed by Xuban Intxausti 2016 // Wroclaw, Poland // 50 minutes // original language with English subtitles // Saturday, 17 November 2018 at 17:00 // Goldberg Saal


6) “School on the Move” directed by Xuban Intxausti 2016 // Thessaloniki, Greece // 59 minutes // original language with English subtitles // Saturday, 17 November 2018 at 17:00 // Museumskino


7) “Sounds of Resilience” directed by Xuban Intxausti 2016 // Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina // 60 minutes // original language with English subtitles // Saturday, 17 November at 21:00 // Goldberg Saal


8) “Street Dancers” directed by Xuban Intxausti 2016 // Plovdiv, Bulgaria // 55 minutes // original language with English subtitles // Saturday, 17 November at 21:00 // Museumskino


9) “Silenced Democracy” directed by Raúl Cuevas 2016 // Moscow, Russia // 52 minutes // original language with English subtitles // Saturday, 17 November at 22:00 // Goldberg Saal


10) “Common Borders” directed by Xuban Intxausti 2016 // Paphos, Cyprus // 53 minutes // original language with English subtitles // Saturday, 17 November at 22:00 // Museumskino


The interactive travelling exhibition “PLEASE OPEN. Crates of Knowledge”, conveys to the guests the skills and advantages that refugees bring to Germany. At the same time, the boxes represent an open offer for the society: a box full of abilities of people who fled from their homes in order to start a new life in Germany. The individual life stories show both the obstacles and the future perspectives that await these people in Germany.


The photographic exhibition “Street stories” portrays street scenes in Syria and Lebanon. Two artists, Ibrahim Fheili and Ahmad Mehssen Kaddoura share their personal view on their homelands. The consequences of war and at the same time the will to live are portrayed. In their art, streets represent a meeting place for young and old people. They also show the power of the everyday life in the middle of chaos.


Short films produced within the framework of the European project “YOU ARE WELCOME” in eight European countries – the Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Slovakia, the United Kingdom and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia – that focus on inclusion, integration, Human Rights and diversity will be screened in the exhibition room of the museum. The short films have different approaches and perspectives.


Three workshops: i) Storytelling by Dr. Rita Julia Sebestyen (held in English), ii) Hate Speech online by Yvonne Bonfer (held in English and German) – Zivilcourage e.V., iii) Zine – make your mini magazine! by the artist Stephanie Lüning (held in English and German) encourage cultural exchange, artistic expression and creativity. The number of participants in each workshop is limited (up to max. 25 participants/workshop, online registration is required, the workshops will be held in English and German).


The solo dance performance “Mirror” (Gnean/Miroir) by the Ivorian dancer Jean-Paul Mehansio questions the identity issue through the eyes of the “other”, encouraging the spectators to reflect on their own identities. Living between the Ivory Coast, France and Egypt, Jean-Paul starts a dialogue with the audience unveiling two facets – the introverted  and the extroverted one, hiding and emerging , folding and unfolding, through linear movements, circular trajectories and compact gestures.


Panel discussion/debate “Europe – A continent of conflicts and peace promises”. The film makers Barbara Lubich from Dresden and Xuban Intxausti from Barcelona discuss the current situation of Europe and its future with activists, politicians and policy makers from the region of Saxony. The discussion is moderated by Mr. Matthias Neutzner.


Click on the following link to read the detailed PROGRAMME:

No Hate Film Festival Programme (English)

Click on the following link to register for the workshops:

Workshop Registration Form (English)




Municipality of Dresden, Academy of Fine Arts Dresden, Memore Pacem e.V., Aktion Zivilcourage e.V. , Medienkulturzentrum (DE), ADEL Slovakia (SK), Aristotle University Thessaloniki, AddArt (GR), Oldham Council (UK), Center for Intercultural Dialogue (MK), Institute for Regional Development, o.p.s. (CZ), Jakob Gláser Memorial Foundation (HU), Othernessproject (DK)



The event is funded by: