About This Project

September 2022 – December 2022


Summary of the project:


The JKPeV will support Ukrainian refugees in Dresden with a wide range of workshops, counselling, educational, and support services as well as several cultural events to help them find their way around, integrate, build a support system and actively participate in society and culture. Through regular meetings of local & refugee populations as well as through learning together, being creative, cooking & being active as equals, a sustainable integration into the cultural & social life of Dresden is to be encouraged. The reinforcement of civic engagement and voluntary work in connection with the reception and integration of refugees from Ukraine is a particular focus. To ensure the successful implementation of the project, JKPeV will cooperate with refugee aid organisations, initial counselling centres, art and cultural institutions, youth, and cultural centres, as well as associations of migrants and refugees in Dresden.


The main outputs and activities of the project are the following:


  • Weekly activities (Mon-Fri) from October to December 2022 in the fields of education/ further education/ health/ music/ film/ art & culture
    • Language course: German
    • Consultation salon
    • Yoga
    • Film Workshop
    • Music Workshop
    • Artists Lounge
    • Cooking Lounge
    • Historical and thematic city tours in Dresden


  • Guidance offer (Mon-Fri) from October to December 2022


  • Public cultural events
    • Exhibition SUPPORT YOUR UKRAINIAN NEIGHBOURS @ Full Moon Gallery in cooperation with Kandinsky Art Center (Odessa)
    • Christmas Market SUPPORT YOUR UKRAINIAN NEIGHBOURS @KulturCentrale


The project is co-financed by the German Foundation for Engagement and Volunteering





Past projects